Scions of Fate (Yulgang) Online

Scions of Fate (Yulgang) Online
Scions of Fate (Yulgang) Online.
"Scions of Fate" is a Free to Play 3D cute Fantasy MMORPG that is extremely popular in Asia. The game has over 120 million accounts worldwide and is one of the first games that used the F2P model.

Scions of Fate revolves around the story of people who seek to understand the workings of the universe through the practice of Martial Arts. As the people started to evolve with the study, there came about two factions that believe on a certain principle in life emerged and because of the divergence of the two schools of thought a battle for supremacy had happen.

The Order, the school of thought that believed in the path of righteousness became the ruling order and those who did not join became the Chaos order.

Scions of Fate is still an enjoyable, brightly colored game. Notable game features include player run shops, faction based PvP, and an in depth guild (called ‘House’) system. There are six classes to chose from during character creation, note that your character’s gender is tied to the option you select during account creation.

Scions of Fate The classes are:

Swordsman :
Melee warriors with fast attack speed, high accuracy, and dodge rates. Swordsmen are offensive fighters with average health and defense.

Bladesman :
The main tanking class of Scions of Fate. Bladesman have the highest defense and health ratings but deal less damage than other classes. They also possess the only AoE (area of effect) ability in the game.

Archer :
Masters of ranged combat. Archers must keep their enemies at a distance since they suffer from low defense and health ratings. Luckily, a high dodge rate gives them the ability to get away.

Healer :
The only true caster class. Healers start out in mostly a supportive roll but become heavy damage dealers during late game levels.

Spearman :
Spearmen have the highest attacking power in the game but have a bit lower health and defense than other melee classes.

Ninja :
The latest class addition. Ninjas have the fastest attack speed with their preferred dagger weapon class. Ninjas also have the unique ability to go into stealth mode.

Scions of Fate (Yulgang) Screenshots

Scions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) OnlineScions of Fate (Yulgang) Online

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Cute Game
Graphics: 3D Platform


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