FIFA Online 2

FIFA Online 2
FIFA Online 2.
"FIFA Online 2" is a free to play downloadable MMO football game jointly developed by EA Singapore and Neowiz Games, published by Electronic Arts and is distributed and localized by numerous distributors around Asia. Originally released in South Korea in 2006 using the FIFA 06 engine, the game was upgraded soon to the FIFA 07 engine, where it is still used today. FIFA Online 2 is free to play but it earns its revenue by selling virtual cash which are used to purchase items such as uniform cards to get players for your team and stats boosts. A sequel to the game, titled FIFA Online, was announced on January 30th, 2010.

FIFA Online 2 Screenshots

FIFA Online 2FIFA Online 2FIFA Online 2FIFA Online 2FIFA Online 2FIFA Online 2

Genre: Strategy, Sports Game
Graphics: 3D Platform


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